
Chris Baty, the founder of Altered-C LLC, was born with Cerebral Palsy. Several year ago he noticed that various central nervous system stimulants improved his muscle control. One stimulant would improve his balance while another would improve his speech, as well as swallowing. The Food and Drug Administration frowns on doctors prescribing medicine for conditions that a specific drug is not approved for. This lead Chris to Nootropic drugs. After some research, he settled a Nootropic, in Fish Oil which is infused with C60 and CDB Isolate. Chris has been taking this supplement for almost a year – with good results. He hopes that his formula works for other people that have Cerebral Palsy, or any other type of neurological condition.

RepoMan and Fred, a 16 year-old Plott Houndm, on a long walk.
RepoMan and Fred, a 16 year-old Plott Houndm, on a long walk.

Fred, the Sixteen-year-old Plott Hound, could barely walk a block two years ago without resting. How now goes for one mile hikes without sitting down. He has been taking C60 oil for the past two years and has been taking Brain Repo – Neuro Lube for the past month.